Columns & Wraps
If you have some 4"x4" or 6"x6" bare posts on your property, here is a quick way to upgrade the aesthetics. If ordered pre-assembled, they come in two sections which are put around the post and then glued together.
The faces can be made from any of our stacked stone, tile, or antique brick veneer, in a variety of colors, profiles, and patterns. Moreover, the sides don't all have to be identical -- e.g., two opposing sides could be stacked stone, the other two brick.
They come in four styles of corners:
Wood Trim: The corners are finished with wood trim which are stained to order.
Dovetailed: The corner stones are cut at a 45- degree angle at the ends, so they join at the corners with a barely visible seam.
Traditional: The corner stones are cut in an L shape, so the corners look similar to brick wall corners.
Log Cabin: The corners look like log cabin corners.
These wraps can also be ordered as kits.